Proper Hand Washing Etiquette

Proper Hand Washing Etiquette

Stop the Spread of Disease with Clean Hands

By World Health Organization | Mar 09, 2020


Hand Care

  • Take care of your hands by regularly using a protective hand cream or lotion, at least daily. 
  • Do not routinely wash hands with soap and water immediately before or after using an alcohol-based handrub.
  • Do not use hot water to rinse your hands.
  • After handrubbing or handwashing, let your hands dry completely before putting on gloves.

Please remember

  • Do not wear articifial fingernails or extenders when in direct contact with patients.
  • Keep natural nails short.

World Health Organization

For further information on handwashing, visit CDC's Handwashing website or call 1-800-CDC-INFO.